He recently was asked what are some good questions to ask "sleepy" Christians and "nominal" Christians.
Before we get to the questions lets first define the terms "sleepy" & "nominal" Christian. A "sleepy" Christian is someone who believes in Jesus and His finished work but is distracted by lesser pursuits than keeping Christ the main pursuit of their lives. Lesser pursuits equal being passionate about things that do not have eternal value and in the end will not matter much. In other words, its not being passionate about the same things Jesus is passionate about. A "sleepy" Christian is just that "sleepy" towards Christ and His Kingdom. They are indifferent and thus not alert to the still small voice of Christ. (See Revelation 2:1-6, Luke 12:35-48)
A "nominal" Christian is someone who thinks they are a Christian because their parents were Christians, they go to Church, they believe in God, they like the idea of being spiritual people or good, moral people and so on. They are Christians by name and confession but their lives are not really being built around Jesus and His teachings. (See Matthew 7:13-27 & Luke 6:46)
Before I move on, please do not read into either of these terms that to be a Christian is to be perfect. Nothing could be farther from the truth. All true Christians are still imperfect. What makes a person a Christian is the awareness of their deep need for mercy and forgiveness and to turn to and trust in Jesus alone for life, purpose, and salvation. (See Romans 3:21-26)
Now that we have a foundation to work from here are the questions Tim Keller says to ask ourselves to wake ourselves out of our sleepiness or be converted from our nominal Christianity. These questions require a deep honesty with ourselves and God.
1. How real has God been to you this past week?
2. How sure are you of God's love for you?
3. How frequent are times of delight in God? Have you sensed His presence?
4. Have you been finding Scripture alive and active in you?
5. Are you finding certain biblical promises precious to you? If so, which ones?
6. Are you finding God challenging you to do something through reading Scripture?
7. Are you finding God's grace more glorious and moving than in the past?
8. Are you conscious of the evil and potential of evil in your own heart and in response growing in and grasping the preciousness of the mercy of God?
The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 13:5:Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test"?
May you be blessed with genuine faith as you trust God by knowing you are loved & accepted because of Christ and that He is pursuing you constantly!