December 29, 2008

Black Eyed Peas and Bowl Games

Romans 12:11 “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” NIV

I have been practicing the discipline of journaling for about 15 years. I have stacks of spiral notebooks that are filled with thoughts, prayers, and some pretty funny stuff from my past. One of the reasons I like to journal is it is good to look back and see where I was at spiritually and emotionally at different times of my life. This past year I started my journal every morning with the word “yesterday”. I learned this from Bill Hybels’ book on prayer. After I write the word “yesterday” I reflect over the day before. I would write every detail of the day. I would write what I was feeling, who I had conversations with, and what I did. The reason for this exercise is it helps me to think through why I do what I do. It makes me realize how much time I waste and how much time I waste worrying about things I shouldn’t be worrying about. It gives me some accountability for how I spend my days.

New Years Day is one of my favorite holidays…yes I love college football, and we traditionally eat black-eyed peas all day. But I also love how New Years brings with it a sense of having a fresh start. It naturally brings with it the need to reflect and seek God for new vision and passion for life. I am not one who is big on resolutions but one who likes setting goals. Some of the goals I achieve and some I don’t. Either way it causes me to unravel from the mundane.

I was looking through my goals that I set for 2008. I actually did pretty good achieving the personal goals I set last New Years Eve. Think about how fast this past year has flown by. Who knew the ups and the downs? Who knew the good and the bad that would be experienced? The reality is life happens. It happens whether we like what it brings or not.

Take a minute and read what Moses says in Psalm 90 about how quick life happens:

Have you ever noticed the word within the word LIFE? It is a big fat IF! None of us has any idea what this next year will bring. We really do not have much control over people and circumstances. We can control how we will respond to people and circumstances, but we do not control much else. James tells us “What you ought to say is, "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that." Otherwise you will be boasting about your own plans, and all such boasting is evil.” (James 4:15-16 NIV) Do the goals I am setting include praying God’s will? Have I been putting off something that I know God wants me to do? Do I have the right attitude when look at this next year? Will I step out in faith and take risks only IF I know things are going to work out in my favor?

The reality is that this next year will have its challenges. The most important thing for this New Year is to keep our hearts fixed on Jesus. To look to him in prayer, listen to him in his word, and to live for him practically. I love this quote: “Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them makes life meaningful.”

What will be different in our lives and world this time next year because of the goals we set now? Lets prepare now for the future. Lets create the future by setting God sized goals and living out God ordained dreams. He loves us, and is passionate for each of us. May this be the best year of your life!