My dad had a total knee replacement recently. He is in a ton of pain and the rehab is going to take several months. However, when all that is over I think he will be pleased with the change.
I am very close with my dad and to see him in pain is difficult. He has enjoyed good health the majority of his 72 years of living. He still plays baseball, swims, and golfs. He is very active for his age.
My dad has always been a good example to me of what God the Father is like. I know so many people who have warped images of God because of their earthly fathers. That is not the case with me. My dad has always showed unconditional love to me. When I was far from living the life God intended for me my dad always kept a close relationship with me.
Obviously, my dad has flaws. But what he does have is a tender heart towards his kids and his 12 grandkids (plus 4 great grand kids). Everyone of us know how much he loves us. The love of God the Father is tender and unconditional and for that I am grateful. My prayer for my dad is that he would continue to know the love of His heavenly Father and thus let that shine through his life.
Jesus called God "Abba". Which simply means daddy. It is a term which oozes with closeness. The New Testament tells us that because of Jesus we can call God "Abba" as well:
Romans 8:15-16 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. NIV
My prayer for all of us is simple, that each one of us would know and live in the unconditional perfect love of our heavenly Father.
P.S. I also pray my dad heals quickly, we have a lot of baseball games to go to soon...